Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: My fur baby memories!

Sabrina and Sir Barney

Sir Barney and Miss Maggie

Miss Maggie helping my brother cheat at UNO! 

MMMMWAHHHH! - Miss Maggie and Chloe


  1. You and I think alike. I'm posting about my fur babies tomorrow. Love these pictures. So sweet, the bunny and Miss Maggie kissing. I love it.

  2. Sweet fur babies. Love the one of Miss Maggie helping your brother cheat at cards. Hope you're having some glorious weather.

  3. sweet little fur balls
    branching from the tree of life
    salty tears of love ❤🐱❤

    A Haiku I wrote for you and your family of fur babies.
    Beautiful and precious photos dearest Kim.

    Big Hugs and Much Love

    1. LOVE this very beautiful and personal haiku written especially for me and my fur babies! I am so happy my heart is singing! THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

      Much love and blessings, dearest Jan!!

    2. I am happy you love it Kim 💕
      I know how much I love my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and I understand your love for your fur babies 🐱
      Hugs and Blessings, Dearest Kim ❤
