Friday, June 22, 2018

Friday odds 'n' ends

Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! Yesterday, I chose to spend my Midsummer/Litha celebrating very simply. I spent some extra play time with my fur babies ... after all, it has always been a significant part of my summer sabbat celebration in devotion of the Lord & Lady's special children which they have blessed me with.  

My old digital camera was breaking down and had seen better days so my husband gave me his since he was planning on buying a new one that had a better zoom on it and could take much better aerial shots. His camera is practically brand new as he only bought it a few months ago and barely used it anyhow. Here are some pics I took with it yesterday ...

Lady Tabitha: Tabitha had her yearly check up at the vet on Wednesday afternoon and she has been put on a diet. She is supposed to weigh between 9 to 12 pounds which is considered normal for a female Norwegian Forest Cat, but she is currently at 15! We must measure her food intake and then gradually cut her food back within the next few weeks or so. She also is scheduled for a professional teeth cleaning in August.

Sir Leo chilling along side of Merlin's cage after their play time ...
Merlin and Leo playing together.

I then decided to take my new camera on my late morning walk and snapped a few pics on the way. I was hoping to get some pics of the little critters I see all the time, but I think it was too early for them, they usually make an appearance later on in the day ...

The corn crops are just beginning to grow all over the area in the fields. By the end of July, they will be taller the me ...

I am not sure what these are, but I call them little wild flowers ...

Little orange and yellow flowers ...

Dozens of purple flowers budding up all over the place ...

Tiny daisies
Dandelion flowers also grow everywhere around here!
These look like some kind of wild berries growing from out of the grass.

Walking back up the long hill and under the bridge to see more pretty purple wild flowers on the other side ... it was a nice 77 degrees, sunny and a beautiful day!

Well, that about does it for my first day of summer. How was yours?


  1. Good morning Kim!
    Your fur babies are just beautiful! They all look so healthy...even Lady Tabitha with her few extra pounds. She may not enjoy the amount of her food being changed but she'll adjust to it.
    Love all of the beautiful photos along your walk. Mother Nature has so much beauty to share with us and you helped her with your camera...thank you and Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  2. What beautiful countryside. That camera sure does catch all the beauty. I love seeing your kitties. They are all so pretty and look like so much fun. I'd be spending lots of time with them, too.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful post Kim! Thank you!! Give all your fur babies a hug from me! Love the area you live in! Loving all the wild flowers! That was nice of your hubby to give you his camera! You have made good use of it!
    My first day of summer was quiet and good!
    Big Hugs!
