Friday, June 01, 2018

Friday This and That ...

Blessed Friday, my friends! Good mews, I mean news, Merlin had a good report at the vet this morning. He was tested for fe-leuk and his results came back negative. He had all of his shots except for rabies because he is too young as of yet. The vet guess-timated him at 10 weeks rather than 8, but said he looks healthy ...
Merlin loves to give little kitty kisses!

Today while on one of my walks, I found a tick crawling around on my white sneaker after I got back home! Ticks are particularly bad around here. Deer ticks carry lyme disease and boy have we got a lot of deer in our area. I found these natural essential oils which ticks do not like and can be used as tick repellents for humans:  

  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) 
  • Cedarwood (Cedrus Atlantica) 
  • Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) 
  • Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Also this weekend the Annual WWII Weekend event is being held right down the road from my house. If you remember in one of my previous posts, I showed you a pic of where it is being held ...
The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum located near The Reading Regional Airport.

The roads will be pretty busy so I definitely will not be taking any walks along my country roads for the next two days. 

Have a glorious weekend everyone!


  1. Oh, little Merlin is so sweet. I could just hug and kiss him. Thank goodness you found him. Ticks. I always think I am safe here in the city, but I do go to the park often and it is loaded with wildlife. Must be careful. Thanks for the remedy. I have all those oils so will be putting them to use.

  2. Merlin is adorable...such a precious baby.
    Be careful with those ticks Kim! Good to know about the essential oils. I always use favorite :)
    Have a great evening!

    Hugs ❤🐱❤

  3. That's wonderful that Merlin got a clean bill of health. You have a good week-end, too.

  4. Awww, sweet little kitty. Glad he got a clean bill of health, I make a spray with those essential oils 1/2 water and 1/2 (witch hazel or cheap vodka or isopropyl alcohol) Spray skin and clothes before going outside. Have a good weekend!

  5. adorable! glad he's healthy:)
    I've never seen a tick here.. it's probably too hot?

  6. I hope you had a great weekend Kim!
    I am so happy about Merlin! He is so cute!
    Thanks for the tick information!
    Big Hugs!
