Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Meet Jack!

Yesterday while performing reiki on my long-time and very dear friend Dave, I had the pleasure of meeting he and Deb's (his wife) latest addition to the family. He is one of THE sweetest kitties I have ever met (and I have met A LOT!) and I just adore this guy. He was actually Deb's daughter's cat but could not take him with her to her new apartment so Dave and Deb adopted him permanently. As you can see, he is a daddy's boy ...

Few cats I have come across will actually allow a total stranger to come into the house and pick them up, cuddle and love on them ... Jack is a really cool cat indeed!

During Dave's reiki session, the mailman dropped off mail and Jack ran over to the front door and began to play "patty cake" with the mailman through the mail chute as he was delivering the mail. We could hear him laughing hysterically at Jack from outside on the porch. lol

Jack checking out my portable reiki bed and supplies.

I used to cat sit for my friend Dave's cats years ago when he had to travel out of State for his job. So, would I ever cat sit for Jack? Yup, you betcha!


  1. Awe, Jack sure is a sweet boy. Would love to have another one, but I'm retired now and only bringing in less than half what I did when working. Plus with my osteoarthritis getting worse, it would be hard to care for them properly. So I satisfy my yearning with streams such as TinyKittens.

  2. Jack is a keeper alright and how adorable he is!!!

    Hugs and Blessings

  3. Aw, Jack is so sweet. I love the idea of him playing pattycake with the mailman.

  4. I love Jack! So cute!! Big Hugs!
