Wednesday, June 13, 2018

This and That ...

Greetings all and happy Thursday! Yesterday my mom and I spent the entire day running around doing some needed shopping. One of the places we went to was Celtic Myth & Moonlight located in West Reading. I have been wanting to pick up some essential oils for various uses and some other items while I was there. 

I found three animal talisman stones to carry with me ...

Dragon: Good fortune, health and luck
Mermaid: Aid in dream magick
Raven: Divination and hidden knowledge

A few gemstones: Black Obsidian (Dragon Glass), Moss Agate, and Rose Quartz stones.

I also purchased the oils and ingredients I will need to make my tick repellent as well as a relaxation mix in order help aid in sleep ...

Ingredients for tick repellent:
Peppermint (ticks dislike mint!)
Witch Hazel
Rubbing alcohol (or vodka)

 Essential Oils for Sleep:
  • Lavender
  • Vetivert
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Bergamot
  • Sandalwood
  • Cedarwood
An easy to follow guide book on all kinds of divination.

A beautiful pair of chakra earrings crafted with genuine gemstones ...

Dot, the owner of Celtic Myth & Moonlight told me that she is taking in donated books to give to her customers for FREE. Not only books, but all different items such as statues, incense burners and such. I told her that I would donate all my books which I no longer have any use for as I am cleaning out my altar and reiki rooms. She is such a wonderful lady, she took $10.00 off of my total purchases as a thank you for my donations to her patrons. :)

After we were finished with all of our shopping, I took my mom to her favorite place for lunch, Ganly's Pub.- one of the few places that serves homemade PA Dutch chicken pot pie everyday ...

One added note, my sister Aurora asked me to pass on a message to everyone who sent her birthday wishes:

"Thank you so much for everything! I tried to sign on to your blog to thank everyone for their wishes and couldn't get on...please thank them for me ❤ I love my gifts and thanks for making me feel special!"


  1. Wow, you got quite a few goodies. That does look like an amazing store. We have something similar here, The Om Gift Shop. I Have to stay out of there. Can't help but overspend every time I go. That chicken pot pie looks so good. It's making my mouth water. Have to find a recipe.

  2. Oh, I'd love to browse through that store. So many things to look at. I order my essential oils from Edens Gardens. The prices are extremely affordable, the quality of the oils 100% pure, free shipping, no minimums. My favorite part is you can purchase Gift Sets and pick the oils you want. Sweet of you to treat your mom to lunch. Enjoy your purchases and your bug spray.

  3. Oh crud. I typed out a comment, hit something and either lost it or it got sent incomplete. If you get a half-assed message from me, it's because Imma bewb. LOL

    Long story short: Your new earrings are beautiful, it sounds like you and your mom had a wonderful day (yay!) and I salute you for choosing natural ingredients for your bug repellent. Since they're oils instead of whole plants and will be heavily diluted, the Geranium and Eucalyptus should be harmless to your kitties. Normally they would be toxic, but it should be harmless to them in this form, especially since they probably will detect the Witch Hazel and stay well away from treated areas.

    1. Shannon, your message made it complete! I can not tell you HOW MANY TIMES I did what you did and lost my entire comment and had to type it again! LOL!

      I haven't tried out the mixture yet, but I intend to tomorrow before I go for a walk.

      Have a great night!

  4. What a great day Kim! I love all the goodies you got! I think that is amazing, with donating the books and other things, to give to her customers! Very kind of her to take $10.00 off your order! A brilliant, kind and caring store! That Dutch chicken pot pie, looks so good! Glad you and your mom had a great day! Love the message from Aurora! Big Hugs!
