Friday, July 06, 2018

Fun Friday

For Fun Friday this week, I decided to share some old pics from my school days which I thought some of you might get a chuckle out of ...
Graduation pic from my class of 1983 year book.

A 1982 year book pic my mom took back when I was a twirling Captain in a drum and baton corp called, "The Boutiques of Berks County."
I won first prize in my senior year for Best Original Halloween costume in 1983. The girl in the left was my good friend Theresa who is also in the pic below this one. I was wearing my dad's class ring on a chain and my mom's school jacket. (My mom, btw, was also a twirler in her high school days only they were called majorettes back then).

A pic from my high school year book of my friend Theresa and I in art class. Even back then, I was a bookworm. The book I was reading in this photo was, "A Twist of Lennon" by Cynthia Lennon.

My best friend of many years and fellow twirler/twirling partner, Karin, sitting on the bleachers at a high school football game in 1982. Our band had to perform the half-time field show for every single game. I hated football so I remember just watching the time on the board and counting down the minutes until we could go home. Can you tell how thrilled we were to be there? LOL!
I am the first one on the left in the second row of twirlers.

Here I am second in from the right in the first row.

Me fooling around with my baton just before a band field show performance at a college football game in Philadelphia - 1983.

Okay, a funny little story about the above picture I would like to share with you guys. That is a guy I graduated with named Kurt Kalbach (we are also FB friends after all these years). Anyhow, when I was 24 years old, unbeknownst to me, my ex-fiance Mike knew Kurt (Btw, Mike actually graduated a year before me and I did not even know him when we were in high school yet we ended up meeting three years later and almost got married to each other after dating for four years). Shew, sorry about that, where was I? ... ahh yes, I remember now... Kurt, at that time, was enlisted in the Navy and stationed in Florida. He was back in PA for a visit and asked Mike and I (along with another friend of theirs) to go out for dinner and drinks at a local bar. So, we all went out together and there happened to be a band playing that night. Kurt asked me if I wanted to dance. Well, I can not dance to save my life, but he grabbed me and we began jitterbugging on the dance floor. Wow, that boy could really dance! He was so good that he made even someone like me look like I knew what I was doing - lol! After we sat back down, I asked him where he learned how to dance like that? He said to me, "Hey, I am stationed in Pensacola, Florida. If you do not know how to dance, you do not get women to go out with you!" I suppose that is true, Kurt. He is now married with two kids. He was and still is quite a gentleman.  ;)
Me 'n Mike in 1990 ...
Mike posing with our then kittens, Bummer and Brandy.

A graduation Day pic taken with my classmate buddies outside of my high school.

A surprise reunion with two former band and classmates for an enjoyable dinner at Ganly's Pub in November of 2015.

Have a great Friday all!!


  1. These are some awesome pics. Don't you just love going through these old memories. At the time I thought my high school years were horrible, but now I realize they were some of the best times of my life.

    1. True, very true Mary. So glad we have them to look back on!

  2. Well, I loved this trip back thru the past with you dearest Kim! What fun you had being in the twirling Corp. I can see by these photos that you haven't changed much at all!
    Memories... I love them!!!

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

    1. Thank you, Jan. As you can well see, twirling was a big part of my life many years.

      Big hugs and much love <3

  3. "Can we start hanging Hallowe'en decorations?"
    LOL, only if you want to suffer from heat stroke!

    Great pictures! I was a science geek, so lots of field trips and conferences with the rest of my geeky buddies.

    1. LOL! It is funny that you mention "science geeks" ... the two guys in the cap and gown pic were both just that. I was an outcast in school and my friends were mainly "brianiacs and science geeks. The best friends I ever had! ;)

  4. Cool you twirled baton. Love your uniforms. An older girl when I was growing up was a majorette. Can't wait for Halloween decorations to go up. I found a cute black cat streamer flag thing

    1. I can't wait to decorate for Halloween either. That is so cool that you found a black cat streamer flag CJ. Look forward to seeing a pic of it on your blog. :)

  5. I'm thinking about Halloween too! LOL!
    Love all your pictures Kim and your story! How special all of this was! Thanks for sharing it with us!! Big Hugs!
