Monday, July 09, 2018

Happy Monday!

Greetings, friends and it is the beginning of another busy week. Yesterday, while at the grocery store I found a new snack for myself. Now first let me begin by saying that I have never been a big fan of yogurt. In fact, I can not stand the taste of it. Quite honestly, it always tasted foul to me and as if something went bad. I even tried the chocolate flavored brands out there, but they still tasted disgusting to me. That being said, when I saw this I decided to give it a try none-the-less. After all, I love the taste of Girl Scouts Thin Mint cookies (chocolate and mint flavors) so why not, right? I have to admit that this tastes pretty darn good actually ...

It is creamy like hard ice cream, but since it is whipped it is very soft in texture. It is not like frozen yogurt in taste as it is a bit tangy like actual yogurt; however, I love frozen yogurt because I love ice cream and it reminds me a lot of it in taste. New snack? Yup!

Merlin says, "Hello and have a great Monday all!"


  1. Hi Merlin!!!
    That yogurt does sound worth trying Kim...thank you~

  2. Hello, Merlin. Mmm, thin mints. I’ll have to keep my eye out

  3. Oh, I haven't seen this one yet. I usually buy the Dannon Light and Fit. I love the cherry vanilla and coconut vanilla. I will have to look for this one. Must try it.

  4. Hi Merlin! I'm going to have to look for the yogurt! Thanks Kim! Big Hugs!
