Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday odds and ends ...

Well, today it poured down raining on and off all day and it is supposed to be the same for the remainder of the week here. Yuk!

My friend Kiki and I had plans to meet for our monthly girlfriend get-together dinner tonight for Taco Night at one of our local fire company social quarters, but she canceled due to the crappy weather. You see, she is a school bus driver and had to drive in the miserable rain all day so I can not say that I blame her for re-rescheduling our dinner date. And so it will have to wait until next week.

On the upside, we received our tickets yesterday afternoon to go see the comedian, Tim Hawkins in Maryland. It is kinda a funny story about that. Last week, my former co-worker who works part-time at a Chick-fil-A here, shared a video of Tim Hawkins singing his parody song of the same name to The Beatles, "Yesterday." It was so good, I just could not stop watching it! I showed it to my husband and my mom and they just could not stop laughing at this guy's songs (he has  a lot more parody songs on YouTube). Anyhow, we liked him so much that we bought tickets online to go see him in November ...


  1. To bad about your "girls night out"...but at least your going to have some fun in November :)

    Hugs ❤💮❤

    1. Thanks Jan! It should be a pretty good show!!

  2. Sorry the weather ruined your girl's night out. The end of July has been crappy here, too, and heard on the news we are in for a hotter than usual August. Hope they got it wrong.

  3. Tim Hawkins sounds hilarious! LOL! Sorry about your girl's night out being rescheduled! We have had tones of rain too! Big Hugs!
