Sunday, July 29, 2018

What's new?

Lately, I have been trying to pic out the "more healthier, less fattening" snacks from the grocery store. I just bought some other whipped yogurt flavors - Strawberry Cheesecake & chocolate flavors as I can no longer seem to find the Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies flavor that was available before. Perhaps that was just a limited supply? I also love the Outshine Fruit products (Strawberry & Watermelon), and I just started drinking the Core Fruit Infused Beverages. Delicious! 

In the meantime, we are still having the nasty thunder and rain storms here and they are calling for more of the same all of next week, too. So far, we have been lucky where I live, but other areas/counties in PA have not been so fortunate. Keeping our fingers crossed!

Of course we could not enjoy the Blood Moon on Friday night due to the cloudy, rainy weather. I was planning on taking a couple of pics of it because it was supposed to be the longest total lunar eclipse Blood Moon this century, until the next one in the year 2123. Oh well, I am sure some pics will be posted on some of the other blogs I follow. 

Yesterday, my sister Robin and I enjoyed one of our "sister time" days. We spent the entire day frequenting our favorite shops looking for some good end of the summer sales. We found a few good ones, too!

Some new magazines at "Barnes & Noble Book Store" ...

Small cat handbag from "Charming Charlie" ...

Some handmade scented candles at "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" ...

A Birthday Moon Phase necklace at a lovely store called "Dandelion" ...

And finally a new item for this year's Samhain ritual ...

My sister Robin and my baby boy Merlin.
Robin's sweet kitty, Pumpkin 


  1. Oh wow, some fabulous buys. Bet those candles sound yummy. You love them as much as I do. I haven't heard of those magazines, but they sure do look interesting. I'm Reiki 1 level and currently working on Level 2. And as a chronic pain sufferer, I must get that Pain Pathways magazine. I always wanted a sister, but my mom had two miscarriages after me, and I grew up a lonely only child. You are so lucky.

  2. I prefer the Greek style yogurt as it has more protein in it. Love the cat bag. So cute. Looks like a you had a wonderful day with your sister. Our heat and humidity broke for the next couple of days, hope you get some respite for your wild weather.

  3. I love your latest post and subscribed to your blog. I’ve been Wiccan since I was 12 and I love being part of the Wiccan community because it’s so positive and makes me happy. I have a blog, but I was thinking of doing a Wicca magic blog but I get flustered because growing up I was taught to keep my magical work secret. Would love to get your opinionp. 😊blessedbe 😊😊

    1. Greetings Carlie Michelle and it is good to meet you! I used to keep my beliefs to myself (aside from my closest Wiccan brothers and sisters) for a long time in the beginning but after a time I realized that I had to live my life my way and those who truly loved and understood me would support me ... and they have! You need to do what your heart tells you to do.

      Brightest Blessings!

  4. Thanks for the healthy list treats! I have to look for them in Canada.
    Looks like you had a great day with Robin! Some more great finds!! That little cat bag is so cute! Love the kitty photos! Big Hugs!

  5. Kim, there is a wonderful blog I follow from Australia. She has some great photos of the moon and the eclipse!
    Copy and paste it, you should get to the link, if not, tell me!

    1. AWESOME! Thank you, Stacy! I will definitely check out her blog!!

      Love and hugs!!!
