Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I Love A Rainy Night!!

Well, I may not exactly be enjoying all of this humid, rainy weather here that we have been having for months now on and off, but one thing is for sure, I love my rainy nights because they always help me sleep beyond imagination!


  1. I love rainy nights as well. Love hearing the rain beating on the window. But, enough is enough. This has been one heck of an August. Thanks for the song. Had forgotten that one.

  2. Hearing the rain beating on the roof and windows is such a lovely sound. But I think we've had enough rain for the Summer. I feel bad for the areas that have had flooding.

  3. We need rain here pretty badly...it has really been dry here now for a while.
    I love the rain at night! It is so comforting. Send some of your rain my way...add a touch of thunder, too please ⚡⛈

  4. Great video! I love rainy nights too! I love thunder and lightening storms at night too. I sleep right through them! We need rain! Big Hugs!
