Saturday, August 04, 2018

What's up?

Yesterday instead of going to the Green Dragon as it was pouring down raining the entire day, Deb took me to a place I have never been to before. It is a really cool, inexpensive store called, "The Christmas Tree." There, I found these little items for autumn ...

The above ceramic sunflower dishes will be used at the next sabbat of Mabon this year for offerings.

On Thursday night, we ate at P.J. Whelihan's for Deb's birthday ...

My friends Deb and her hubby Dave.

Deb's daughter, Rayann (J.J.'s mommy who works at P.J. Whelihan's as both a server and a part-time bartender). She is such a delightful young lady! 

My delicious grilled chicken salad and a hard red apple cider.

Deb's side order of Funnel Cake fries and caramel dip was also served with a surprise vanilla ice cream and birthday candle her daughter brought her ...

Afterward, Dave took us to a place called The Reinhold's Inn for a nightcap.  I ordered a large Italian sandwich to-go. They have the cutest little dumbwaiter that brings the food from the kitchen directly out to the bartender to serve it up to their customers ...

This is what they called a "half" an Italian sandwich! 

And finally, just a real quick message from Sir Leo ... he says "It's good to be the KING!"

... and of course, Merlin concurs!


  1. You've got some wonderful buys there. I love those sunflower dishes. It's definitely time to start planning for fall. Your salad looks delicious and very healthy. Totally love funnel cakes. They serve them here at the feasts, but they are priced very high lately. Everything goes up. Merlin is getting to be a big boy now. Both your boys are real beauties.

  2. We have a chain of stores called The Christmas Tree Shoppes. All sorts of items, china, furniture, kitchen gadgets, unusual foods, and seasonal decorations. All on the not expensive side.

  3. You always find the loveliest treasures when you are out and about!!! The food definitely looks delicious!!!
    Seems like you all had great fun~

    Hugs and Blessings ❤❤❤

  4. I love the little treasures you got! You had a great day with your friend, celebrating her birthday! You had some good food!!! That dumbwaiter is cute! I want to scratch Sir Leo's belly! LOL! Give Merlin and all the fur babies hugs from me!

  5. love the amazing sunflower dishes!glad you had some fun,out with your friends:)
    your kitties are just too adorable!!!
