Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Funny thing happened ...

Well, I hadn't actually planned on publishing a post today as I knew that I would be busy all day cleaning the house and organizing a few things downstairs in the altar room. While cleaning up, I decided I would begin decorating the ancestor altar which my sister and I always place aside of, and in addition to, our Samhain altar every year. We use it as a place of honor for our loved ones pictures and memorabilia of our family and friends who have passed on. This is a bit like what it will most probably look like soon ...

During my set-up, I heard the land phone in our house ring. A minute later, I heard my husband open up the basement door and walk down the steps. I asked him what was up? He then asked me if I was doing any work or "anything weird" (as he put it) down in my altar room. I replied, "No, why?" He then showed me the face on the cordless land phone which showed that someone had tried to call us from somewhere inside the house! We have caller ID and it read with his name and our land phone number on it as if it were  dialed from inside the house. It wasn't me who called, it wasn't him, and it most certainly was not the cats. ...

This very same thing happened to my mom just a few months ago (she also has called ID on her land phone) and it happened a day before what would have been my beloved dad's 85th birthday. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, I told my husband that it must have been someone letting us know that they are thinking of us, or they want to make sure that we have not forgotten them? For whatever the reason, I believe that we were contacted. My husband seems to think it was most likely his deceased brother because "it sounds like something he would do" as he was also Pagan. I must agree.

The other day, I picked up new bottle for us to use for our ritual to hold the ceremonial wine on our Samhain altar. However, there is still so much left to do.


  1. How nice it was if someone you love was trying to reach you and let you know that they miss you, too and knew what you were doing.
    Maybe it was your husband's brother. A lovely thought🍂💮🍁

  2. Love your ancestor altar. Haven't set mine up yet. I love that someone reached out to you. How awesome to know they miss you and are still with you.

  3. Not to rain too much on your parade, but most likely this was a scam call. From the Federal Trade Commission site: Technology makes it easy for scammers to fake or “spoof” caller ID information. They can make it look like they’re calling from a different place or phone number. Even your number. Scammers use this trick as a way to get around call-blocking and hide from law enforcement. They hope you’ll be curious enough to pick up. Don’t fall for it." You can read the entire article: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2015/07/getting-calls-your-own-number

    1. CJ, am very careful with this kind of scum. IMO, these jerks truly need to get shot! (just saying ...) lol

    2. Earlier yesterday, I got some a recorded message on my phone, I did not answer it but it was a scam about "your Miscrosoft license will expire soon please contact us." I knew it was complete BS of course!

    3. Thanks for the link, CJ! Have a great day!

  4. I like the colour of your new bottle.

    All the best Jan

  5. Wow, that is sure interesting Kim! I think it's beautiful, about the phone call! Everything is looking wonderful for your celebration! Love the new bottle! Big Hugs!
