Monday, September 24, 2018

Monday This and That ...

Greetings, friends! I hope everyone had a good weekend. This will be another busy week. Tomorrow, Merlin has an appointment at our vet's for his "snip 'n' clip." In other words, he will be neutered and front declawed. We have to have him there by 8AM and they will keep him overnight until Wednesday afternoon for us to pick him up. Once home, we will have to use the newspaper cat litter for a few days until he heals. 

Today I used my $10.00 rewards gift certificate for A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts Store to by some more yarn to start on a large afghan for the bedroom and I also picked up a couple of frames on sale.

This one was for the awesome art I had won in a blog giveaway held by artist Sandy Sandy a few years ago. And the other frame I bought for two antique photos I got a couple of weekends ago while out with my friend Deb at the Fall Festival in "Curious on the Avenue." The top is an old photo of The Reading Railroad Station and the bottom pic was taken on Main Street in Bethlehem, PA.

I also could not resist buying these seasonal cereals from my youth which are still sold here every year around Halloween!

This beautiful Poseidon pin was a gift from my husband. He bought it for only $2.00 at a local auction.

Well, that is about all for now. Have a great day all!


  1. I always enjoy 'this and that' type posts …

    I think those frames look good, and seasonal cereals and sweets are always popular at this time of year.

    Have a good week ahead, hoping Merlin gets on ok at the vets.

    All the best Jan

  2. Wishing Merlin all the best with his surgeries.
    Love those bats and they look great in the frame!
    Great vintage photos, too!
    I had to smile about those cereals. We will always be kids at heart and look for things that bring our childhood back to us :)
    Lovely Poseidon pin that hubby got for you and what a great price!!!

    Big Hugs

  3. Poor little Merlin, but necessary. I saw the cereals in Target and it made me smile. I didn't buy any. Really lovely pin. Wear it in good health.

  4. I do fine declawing something I will never do again. its not just cutting off the nails they take off the end of there toe's

  5. Poor Merlin! Give him a hug from me!
    The prints look great framed Kim!
    Love the cereal! I haven't had those in years! I have to get some! LOL!
    Love the pin your hubby gave you! Big Hugs!
