Sunday, October 28, 2018

A very Blessed Samhain!

Greetings everyone! This weekend my sister Aurora Skye and I held our yearly Samhain celebration. First, we went out for lunch then came back to begin our ritual. We  did; however, get a reminder from our dearly departed loved ones that they were indeed present and joining us. Before we got started, I told Aurora to get comfortable downstairs in the altar room as I needed to grab a couple of more things in the kitchen. After I had gotten downstairs to join her, she told me that when she got down to the altar room, she found a photo and a decorative lit candle knocked down on the floor with the photo turned around upside down. Now, mind you, no one had been downstairs since we had left to go out for lunch and those items had been set up for at least two weeks prior with no interruption. And, while we were taking some after ritual pics, my camera kept telling us, "Faces Detected." lol 😉

We added all of our memorial photo's to our Ancestor/Remembrance altar.

Love my sister to the moon and back! 😎

Our ritual libation.

After our ritual, we headed out to our High Priestess friend Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's house to join her in her ritual celebration ...

Her Samhain altar.

... and Remembrance altar.

Aurora Skye and our friend, Sara.

Me 'n' Lady Sabrina Rhiannon.

Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and Sara.

Goodies and refreshments!



Lady Sabrina Rhiannon gave us all these wonderful gifts in handmade bags which she decorated herself  ...
Samhain witch, pumpkin decoration and card.

Two Samhain recipes, Samhain incense, and scented candle tarts.

Aurora and I also exchanged special gifts to one another. She gave me this lovely glass pumpkin votive candle holder ...

This absolutely beautiful mermaid charm and card ...

And this awesome mermaid book! I just love it!! 💗

This is my Buddha scroll I picked from the cauldron during Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's ritual ceremony. It says, "The mind is everything. What you think you become."




  1. What a wonderful Samhain celebration you had.
    So nice to read your post and see all of your photographs.
    Love the mermaid gifts.

    All the best Jan

  2. I was at CJ's blog and saw your post title. I just learned about Samhain when I recently wrote a post on both Halloween and Day of the Dead. To be truthful, I had never heard of Samhain before, but I really enjoyed you and your friends rituals, alters, and lovely photos. I enjoyed this visit and was happy to finally visit you, since I've seen your name and comments many times at CJ's blog.

  3. What a great time you had! I'm pretty much solitary here and plan to dedicate Samhain to my ancestors. Have to begin setting up tonight. Awesome post, my friend.

  4. Nice to have positive proof that your loved ones dropped by. Blessed be.

  5. Such a beautiful celebration you had with your friends Kim! I love the special gifts you got. Happy Samhain. Big Hugs!
