Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday odds and ends

Last weekend at the Hay Creek Apple Festival flea market, I saw these wooden miniatures for sale very cheap. These miniatures are considered collectors items here. They are painted statues of places in and around the Reading area where I grew up and bring back fond memories indeed. The first one is of a unique bar and restaurant which is still in business today called Jimmie Kramer's The Peanut Bar. The reason it is called that is because as well as serving fine dining food, they also have baskets of unshelled peanuts set on each table and on the bar and you are encouraged to just toss the shells onto the floor after you have eaten them (for the staff to clean up later, of course) ...

Now, the strange thing is that I bought this on Sunday and this picture from many years ago which I shared on my FB page popped up as a "shared memory" just yesterday. The importance of this shared memory pic is (yep, you guessed it) it was taken at The Peanut Bar back in 1993 of a dearly departed and sadly missed long-time friend named Tom who passed away from lung cancer in 1997. I do miss him so. I can not help but to wonder if this was his way of making sure I haven't forgotten him? ... never, not a chance.

 Tom and I having dinner and drinks at The Peanut Bar in 1993.

 Another old pic of me, Tom and my friend Judy taken at Flanagan's Pub in 1990.
 And sharing a fun moment at the Newmanstown Fire Company Hall in 1992.

Another wooden miniature of an old haunt my friends and I used to frequent to see bands like 'The Slut Brothers' when we were in our 20's  - The Pricetown Hotel.


Tomorrow, it is off to another fall event with my friend, Deb in West Reading, PA!


  1. Yup, a message from Tom letting you know he's thinking of you.

  2. Definitely a message from Tom. He is letting you know that he has not forgotten you and is reminding you of the happy times you had together. I love these visits from beyond.

  3. For sure a message from Tom! Very special pictures! Love the miniatures! Big Hugs!

  4. Definitely a message from Tom.
    I do like the miniatures.

    All the best Jan
