Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Sometimes you just have to let go ...

Very recently, I have come to the difficult decision that there times in your life when you just have to say enough is enough and let go of someone ... even if you have known them for as long as 30 years! I have always believed it is best to pick and choose your battles and arguments; however, there comes a point when one can only be taken for granted for so long until they snap and say, "NO MORE!"

It is not a decision which I took lightly. I have stood up for this person when her own family did not, I have been there for her through good times and bad, and I have even allowed her to put me in the middle of a bad situation in which she forced me to choose between her and her ex-husband.  I tried to stay neutral, but she would not even allow me to speak with him ever ... I was wrong for letting her call that shot, and I sincerely regret it now.

Since her divorce, she has only become even more of a hot mess and I can no longer stand by her in view of the things she is doing in her life. She had always been rather thoughtless when it came to my feelings and our friendship, but I always forgave her and told myself, "That is just how she is. Sometimes, she just doesn't think." Well, no more. 

Yes, it hurts a lot to have to let go, but sometimes it is unfortunately necessary in the end.


  1. I can hear your pain in this decision you have made Kim. I am so sorry for you and for her.
    May you both heal with time and move on to happier tomorrow's ❤

  2. So very sorry you had to make such a difficult decision. Some people are just energy vampires. They take and drain. It's important to take care of yourself. Some people are just here to teach us lessons. Take the lesson and move on. Be well.

  3. Kim, I understand what you are saying!! I feel for you my friend! Sometimes, this even happens with families. You have to take care of you and I am so proud of you, even though this hurts right now! Sending you Big Hugs and Much Love!

  4. So sorry you have had to make this decision, it's not easy … but move on you must.
    Sending my good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan
