Thursday, November 01, 2018

Throwback Thursday: Samhain past ...

An old pic taken on Samhain back in 2011.

... and with Aurora Skye from 2012 (as you can see, I was much, much heavier back then!).


My goddaughter Kyli all dressed up in 2015.

 Lady Tabitha enjoying the Samhain Tree (2015).


  1. Amazing weight loss. Congrats to you.

  2. No matter then or now, you're such a beautiful person. What is it with cats and trees? Ink loved to hang out under the Christmas tree. Maybe he just liked the comfort of the tree skirt.

  3. Loved seeing all of your photographs.
    Well done on your weight loss.

    All the best Jan

  4. Kim you were beautiful then and now! But, I have to say, you should be very proud! Love the photos!!! Big Hugs!
