Thursday, December 20, 2018

Reflections ...

Happy Thursday everyone! As the holidays grow ever so closer to us, like many, I can not help but to think about my loved ones who have gone from this physical world. Having my mother staying with me at my house only puts things even more in perspective for me. With the loss of my dad, my father-in-law, and my brother just within the last year or so, holidays can either be a time of sadness and pain, or a time to reflect on all of the good times we shared with them and how blessed we were to have had them in our lives. And our wonderful memories are something that no one can ever take away from us!

This year, I gave my mom a few little things - one of them was a snow globe I bought her since she will not be home in time to enjoy her tree for Christmas. I placed two special pics in it for her. One of her dog Brandi and one really nice old one of my brother and I in happier times ...

I also wanted to share a very old pic of my mom and I when I was just a little girl.This pic was taken on Christmas day when my parents lived in a second floor apartment in Robesonia, PA. The black spot you see in the middle of the pic was my parents first poodle Fifi ...

Here is one of my favorite photos of my dad. I miss him each and every day ...

I believe that as we get older and we lose more beloved family and friends as the cycle of life continues, the need to hold on to our good memories becomes even more imperative - we seem to gain an even bigger appreciation for what we were blessed with in our lives. Sometimes, these memories can make all of the difference in the world.


  1. The snowglobe was a very sweet gesture for you mom. You're such a good and thoughtful daughter.

  2. My lovely friend, I understand completely how you feel.
    This time of the year is joyous because of these special people in our lives.
    They are gone but their memories will always make the holidays special for us 🎄
    Lovely photos~
    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  3. I find the older I get the more special the memories are, and it is important to keep making new ones …

    I did like your idea with the snow globes.

    All the best Jan

  4. Beautiful post Kim! Thank you!! I love the snow globe you gave to your mom! Big Hugs!
