Sunday, December 09, 2018

What's new

Another quick little post for Sunday. We are taking things day by day (not much else we can all do at this point anyhow). My mom and I are making the appropriate phone calls, I am letting her utilize my email here at my house for her insurance adjusters, contractors, etc. in order to help facilitate and hopefully speed up the entire process. She has no computer nor does she want one - not even to use for email purposes so they have my home phone number (I do not own a cell phone) and my personal email to communicate with her regarding her claim. 

Many thanks dear friends for all of your kind and caring thoughts and words - they are so very much appreciated. Goddess bless you -  and I mean that sincerely! 🙏

I have been cooking dinners for her every night for the past week since she has been staying with me. Last night, I made us all chicken cacciatore with shells ...

Since she had to bring her dog as well and we do not know how long they will be staying with us as of yet, we brought her dog's cage to my house where it is currently in the cat's room. We only use it when we have to be away for hours and we do not want her kept inside my car waiting for us for long periods of time ...

Also, I suggested we buy her a storage drawer on rollers at our local Wallmart in which to store some of her stuff while she is at my house temporarily ...

The cats are adjusting fairly well ... lol

The dog is making herself comfortable in the meantime. 😉

After a rather rough week, my husband surprised me with these two cans of spiked seltzer water. They only had 6% alcohol in them (which is good because I do not normally drink anymore), but I did think that the mermaids were really cool!

And finally, a little Santa's elf pic that my friend Deb sent me of her grandson J.J.

Enjoy your Sunday all.


  1. My dear Kim, you are a wonderful daughter and doing what you can to help your mom. This must be hard on all of the household...fur babies included.
    I do wish that soon your mom will be able to return to a home that is cleaned up and in working order.

    Are you going to keep the cans that hubby bought for you and add them to you mermaid collection? I would :)

    J.J. is adorable and makes a great baby Santa :)

    Big Hugs and Much Love to All~

    1. Thanks bunches, Jan! Yes, we are keeping our fingers crossed it will be back to semi-norm soon.

      I indeed do plan on adding the cans to my collection. I like them, too!

      Have a wonderful day and huge hugs!

  2. I love your blue and white plates and your dinner looks delicious. Hopefully, all will be back to normal soon. Disruption of schedules and personal space is tough on everyone. The dog doesn't seem to mind, though. I didn't even know there was such a thing as spiked seltzer! The cans are wicked cool. Have a good week!

  3. Yum! I enjoy chicken cacciatore :)

    Fabulous photograph of JJ

    All the best Jan

  4. Your chicken cacciatore looks so good Kim! I pray everything will be back to normal soon! I love the surprise from your hubby! Those cans are so cool! I hope the drink was good! Love the grandson picture! Big Hugs!
