Wednesday, December 05, 2018

When it rains, it pours ...

Greetings, friends! I know it has been a few days or so since I have had a chance to post. As the post title reads - when it rains, it pours. Last Tuesday morning, I received a frantic phone call from my mom telling me that she woke up and the rugs in her entire house were flooded with water! A pipe burst in her bathroom and leaked everywhere! The good news is, she only has a $500.00 deductible and the insurance will pay the rest including her electric bill for the equipment used.

Like me, she has a ranch home. She called her insurance company and by 9am they arranged to have a restoration company called Servpro come out and help her. They immediately began taking the steps needed to dry out her house. They were very on top of things and they will even replace her wall to wall carpeting along with painting the walls where the water stains are now. Yesterday, their inspector looked everything over and explained the whole process to us, etc. Here are some pics I took the next day after the flood damage. The rooms affected are the living room, three bedrooms, the bathroom, and the basement ...

The living room.
The kitchen.
The basement.

It is a real mess and we were told that it would be no sooner than January that her house will be so much as livable again. So in the meantime, she and the dog are staying at my house. It is a huge adjustment for all of us and she is having a hard time dealing with all of this emotionally after all, she lost my beloved dad only a couple of years ago and at the age of 79, I expected no less. I have to put my job search on hold for short time as she can not even get to her car until the equipment is moved away from her garage so I am driving her back and forth to her house every day and anywhere else she needs to go for the time being. These pics are my mom, her elderly poodle named Brandi, and my fur babies.

Not sure how much I will be able to post within the next few weeks, but I will do my best. Take care everyone!!


  1. I am so sorry for your mom, for you and the fur babies!
    How sad this had to happen...especially near the holidays!
    Hope the clean up and all goes smoothly for youand your mom!

    Hugs xoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much, Jan. Your kind words are deeply appreciated by all of us.

      Hugs back to you!!

  2. What a bummer! Hugs and prayers that everything goes as smoothly as possible while your mom's house is repaired and restored.

  3. How awful! So glad her insurance company came through quickly. You're such a good daughter to help your mom out.

  4. Oh wow. That's pretty miserable for your mom. Sorry she had to go through that. But, thank goodness for insurance. Hope the cleanup goes smoothly and doesn't drag on like mine. Missed you.

  5. Kim, I'm sure sorry to hear what has taken place in your mom's home, and I'm sure it must be an adjustment for you all with her staying in your home.

    I love the name of your mom's dog, for there was a time I drank Brandy like a fish!

    Also I love seeing photos of your cats, all these photos are grand!

    The other thing I love, is that quote by Michael Bowen.

  6. How terrible, but I'm pleased the insurance company were so good.
    It cannot be easy for any of you as you adjust to being together.

    My thoughts and good wishes to you all at this time.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  7. I am so sorry for you and for your mom! I am so happy the insurance company was quick about things! Blog when you can Kim and remember, to take care of you too! You are always in my thoughts! Big Hugs!
