Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Odds and ends ...

Greetings, friends! I hope everyone had a great New Year's Day. We ate dinner with relatives at their house and had a delicious homemade family dinner which consisted of all of the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch foods to be eaten every New Year's Day. We had pork and sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, and buns. It is believed that pork and sauerkraut brings good luck and good fortune in the months ahead. Part superstition and part tradition, our family has always eaten pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day.

And, we all ate a sprig (leaf) of spinach for an additional dose of good luck ...
My MIL's dog Tulip enjoyed lounging underneath the Christmas tree while we ate dinner ...

And for dessert, we all had a slice of ice cream cake from Carvel ...

Some pics from New Year's Eve ...


  1. What an awesome New Year's day you had. A great meal. I love pork and sauerkraut. It was a regular meal when I was growing up. My grandfather was of German descent so I guess that's where some of our meals came from. I don't make it anymore. Hubby doesn't like it, but we did have pork yesterday and instead of black eyed peas we had pigeon peas.

  2. We don't really have a New Year's food tradition other than Chinese food on NYE. I'm not crazy about sauerkraut, but the rest of the meal sounded delicious. Tulip reminds me of Ink. He loved hanging out under the Christmas tree. A Happy New Year to you!

  3. How wonderful family traditions are!
    The food looks delicious and the photos of you and your family had me smiling and feeling the love you all share.

    Hugs and Happy New Year, dear Kim ❤

  4. Great pictures Kim! That food looks so yummy! I love the traditions about the pork sauerkraut and the spinach leaf! Big Hugs! Happy New Year! Many blessings sent your way!

  5. Your New Years food looks and sounds delicious.
    Lovely to see all of your family pictures too.

    My continued good wishes for 2019.

    All the best Jan
