Thursday, January 24, 2019

Odds 'n' ends ...

Greetings all! As you all know, I attended an "after x-mas party" with my friend Deb this past weekend. It was held at a fire hall in Boyertown, PA. We had a great time eating, dancing, and mingling. I met a few of her co-workers who were very nice people. Here are a few pics from the evening ...

I took a cute pic of her hubby Dave holding his awesome kitty, Jack before we left.

                                           Deb 'n' Dave.

The party was catered and we ate buffet-style. We had ham, turkey, corn, green beans, mashed potatoes, buns, and assorted desserts.

Dancing along with the DJ all nite!

Also, since we are coming up on our next sacred celebration soon, I began getting some things set up and ready for my sister Aurora Skye and my Imbolg ritual on the 2nd of February.

Here is what the altar will look like before my sister adds her bridal photos to help us honor the Goddess Brigit - after all, the word 'bride' was indeed derived from this goddesses' name. We will also be sweeping and cleansing as we say goodbye to the old and bring the new.  

Our altar bowl dedicated to the Goddess Brigit in which to place our offerings to her during the ritual - items will include gold, brass, silver, carnelian, copper, agate, amethyst, and jasper. 

Our ritual garb that we will be wearing during the ceremony which include my handmade Goddess and God ritual crowns.

Well, that is about all for now. So, until next time my friends, Brightest Blessings!!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time. That was line dancing, right? Which one was it? The food looks so yummy. I love mixing corn in my mashed potatoes. Imbolc is almost here. Seems like Yule just passed. Looking so forward to my own quiet celebration. Have to get my altar ready soon or it will pass right by me.

    1. Thanks, Mary. We did the electric slide and some other dance that I never heard of before but I can not remember what it was called.

      Have a blessed Imbolc!!

    2. I love the Electric Slide.

  2. WOW! Jack is enormous! That's a lot of kitty love. Looks like a great party and you look fabulous in your red dress. So interesting to see you Imbolc altar and to see where some of our traditions originated from such as Spring cleaning. Have an awesome week!

    1. Yup, Jack is kinda big but his face is so baby-like small in person.

      I also love the history and learning where our holiday traditions come from. I read as much as I can about them.

      Have a great week!!

  3. Loved seeing all of your photographs - it certainly looks as if you had a great time.

    All the best Jan

  4. Jack is a big beautiful kitty! Love him!
    Looks like you had a great time at the party!!! Love the pictures! Yummy food!
    Everything is looking wonderful for Imbolc!
    Big Hugs!
