Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday montage

Greetings and happy Monday all! Yesterday, I finally had a little downtime so I decided to put away all of my winter decorations and bring out my spring stuff. I have been ready for spring since before winter actually began ... LOL!

I also made a quick dinner in the air fryer of pierogies and cooked up some chicken rice on the side.


And just a quick update on my sweetie Leo. First of all, we both thank all of you for your get well wishes and kind words. It would seem that he can not or will not tolerate taking the pain pills that our vet gave him for discomfort. Since we began giving him the pills three days ago, he has had a gag-type reaction and keeps throwing up any food he had in his stomach. The pills never even made it down his throat even thought they are so very tiny. So, we are planning on contacting the vet today to find out if it is actually necessary for him to take them - if not, we will not bother as he seems to be using his box okay so far. In the meantime, he is happy making himself comfy on my new, warm cardigan sweater. :)

Have a great day!


  1. Spring has sprung and looking good at your lovely!
    I am so sorry to hear about Leo. I do hope that he feels better soon.
    You air cooker sounds like a great utensil to have.

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  2. Your Spring decorations are so cheery especially since it's snowing outside my window. Glad Leo seems to be doing better.

  3. Have you tried giving him the pills in tuna? I follow a rescue stream and when the cats give a hard time with meds, they put them in tuna. Love your spring decor. Now I want to begin with mine.

  4. Your Spring decorations look very good.
    Pleased to read that Leo is doing a little better.

    Hope you have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  5. Your Spring decorations are so pretty Kim! I love them! You got me hungry again with your food! LOL! Poor Leo! He didn't like the pills! I hope he continues to be healthy! Big Hugs!
