Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saturday This and That

Well, it's Saturday and what a busy week it was. Among the things which came up was an unexpected trip to the vet for our kitty Leo. With his F.U.S. (Feline Urological Syndrome), we have to keep him fed on a special prescription diet from our vet and keep an eye on him for the rest of his natural life. On Monday morning, I noticed that he was crying while in his litter box urinating. Afterward, he was washing himself  down there (something that cats diagnosed with F.U.S. typically do in order to stimulate themselves when they are having trouble peeing). So me being the frantically protective cat mom that I am, I panicked and we called up our vet's animal hospital and they said they could not get hm in immediately, but to drop him off right away and they would examine him as soon as possible and give us a call before the end of day. So, long story short, they performed some tests on him and said that his bladder was empty and that he was not blocked. However, they gave him some water and kept him until they were able to get a urine sample from him for testing. They discovered that he had a mild intestinal cystitis (basically, an inflammation) and so when we picked him up later, they instructed us to give him one pill a day for the next 21 days of 10mg amitriptyline for his pain and discomfort. Keeping our finger's crossed that he recovers soon.

On Sunday, while my mom and I were out grocery shopping, I picked up one of Giant Grocery Store's monthly food magazines. They have some pretty good healthy recipes I wish to try and there is always something in it for everyone ... gluten-free, keto diet, vegan, vegetarian, heart healthy snacks, juices and other tasty drinks, salads and dinners, etc.

I love to throw meals together (something I was raised to do as we were taught to never waste any food what-so-ever in our house), I cooked up some spaghetti and added a bag of small Italian meatballs and leftover grilled chicken strips with spaghetti sauce and Italian bread on the side for dinner the other evening ... 
The following night, I used up some of the leftover meatballs (I made a lot of them!) for meatball sandwiches/hoagies and the leftover grilled chicken and meatballs mixed with spaghetti can be eaten as a little side dish. Quick, easy, done!


I also came across this really cool book at Barnes & Noble while out shopping with my sister two weeks ago. I absolutely LOVE playing around with my brand new Power Air Fryer that I got at Yule and this book has lots of awesome recipes in it to try. You can cook pretty much anything in it including roasts. So far, I have only made pork and chicken roasts in it, but I intend to experiment a lot more. Last night; however, I used it to make small pizza bites and waffle fries ... so delicious!

In other news, we had some snow and rain mixed with sleet this week. Fortunately though, the temps were unusually warm for winter here, so most of it tuned to slush and melted fairly quickly by the end of the day.

Merlin enjoyed watching it come down from our living room front window ...
Have a good one friends!!


  1. Your spaghetti dish looks so delicious. Italian is right up my alley. I guess an air fryer might be next on my list. Problem is my kitchen is so small and already filled with gadgets. I swear, Merlin gets bigger every time I see him. He is gorgeous.

  2. What a delicious and yummy post!
    I love Italian food! I grew up on it in our Italian neighborhood known as "Little Italy."
    I do hope that Leo will be feeling fine soon. You are a wonderful fur baby mom ๐Ÿ˜ป
    Merlin has truly grown into a very handsome cat๐Ÿˆ

    Hugs ๐Ÿ’ฎ

  3. I hope Leo is doing better. The meals you made sound really delicious. Being on Keto, I really miss pasta and bread. I'm glad someone enjoyed the snow and sleet. I was not amused by it. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Hi im a beginner wiccan. I was wondering if you got any helpful advice

    1. Merry Meet, friend. The best advice I can give you over anything else is keep your mind open and always follow your heart - we are constantly learning in our chosen paths and there is always much to learn from others as well.

      Good luck to you and Brightest Blessings!

  5. Sorry to read about Leo, hope all is well soon.

    All the best Jan

  6. I hope Leo is doing better!!! Your food looks so good Kim! I love the books you got! Big hugs to you and your fur babies!
