Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A means to an end ...

Yesterday, my mom and her dog officially moved back into her renovated house. Truth be told, she wanted to get back into her own home as much as we wanted ours back after four months. Please don't get me wrong, I love my mom and would do anything I could to help her of course. However; to be perfectly honest, she and I have always had a rather tumultuous mother-daughter relationship throughout our entire lives which goes well beyond the terrible teens years. She is extremely controlling, most probably the most stubborn woman I have ever known - in fact, my dad always used to call her 'umlikelicht' (pronounced um-like-lick) which means "bull-headed" in Pennsylvania Dutch, spiteful, and she is just one of those people who is not happy unless she is being miserable. I always gave my dad credit for being a saint and having a lot of patience when it came to dealing with her - and I was indeed right. She has never ever been someone who has tried to see the things she was blessed with in her life, only the negative regardless of whatever situation is before her or how many people she has to care about her and DO help her all of the time. Needless to say, between the insanity and her dog constantly snapping at and chasing my kitten Merlin whom she evidently had an issue with for whatever the reason, it has been a long, hard road. My only hope is that my dad is looking down on us and is not too disappointed in his daughter for not being emotionally strong enough to handle it all.

Moving forward, I am still trying my best to help her get her house back in order - moving small furniture, helping her unpack boxes, etc. This pic is of her new bathroom vanity and top ...

And, since apparently she did seem to enjoy my cooking while she was staying with me, I told her that I would make extra food to bring over to her house for her to try. I picked up these to bargain cook books at Barnes & Noble. One is for my crockpot dinners and the other is for my air fryer.

Now, it is time to get back to some serious job hunting and pray to goddess I can get lucky and find a full-time job SOON! Everything seems to be part-time and temp agencies - NOT going to help me at all in my situation trust me. On top of that, I am having to fight with my former employer to actually send me by mail my 1095-C form which I MUST have in order to do my income taxes! They have already sent me my W-2's and up until this year, they changed their procedures and instead of mailing me my 1095-C form as they should have and did in the past years, they are trying to make me sign up on a website and go through all that crap just to print if off one time and done. Mind you, I do not have a printer at home and since I am no longer an employee there, I do not have access to print it off at work like everyone else does this year. I tried the website anyhow and had nothing but problems (in fact, I probably just made things worse in the long run) so I have been going back and forth with these people over the phone trying to get them to send me my tax document they are responsible for making sure that I get! God, is it any wonder I freaking hate dealing with technology anymore - serious folks - it drives me nuts! I only hope I can get this straightened SOON! Okay, rant over ... lol!

Have a good day, friends!!


  1. Your mom and my Ma sound like they could be sisters. :-D And you are a very good daughter to help her out. Enjoy having your own space back.

  2. I hear you about your mother and I also have a sister who operates the same way. If she isn't grousing about something...

    Call IRS and ask them about alternate ways to document the health insurance. I would think pay-stubs would work. Maybe IRS will give them a little call to motivate them into mailing you your form.

    1. Thanks, Judy. The IRS WILL BE the next step I assure you! ;)

  3. I understand totally! You wouldn't believe the healing I have been doing with my mom, for the past few years. I just let her do her own thing. That's all I can do! You are a great daughter! I am so happy your mom has her house back! I am so sorry you are having problems with your former employer! Thinking of you! Big Hugs!

  4. They look like two good books.

    All the best Jan
