Friday, April 05, 2019

Fun Friday

HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! I hope you had a good week. As I have mentioned in one of my previous posts, we have been feeding at least four stray cats when they show up in front of our garage door for food. The one orange cat in particular has been a return visitor (she is extremely friendly!) and I have been calling her by the name of Trixie. I was a bit concerned because she did not come around on Tuesday evening to eat and get her nightly petting. My worry is always that with all of the red fox, opossums, skunks and such that we have living around our area that one of the cats will eventually fall victim and prey to one of these wild life predators! I have personally seen up close one of the many red fox we have living here while on one of my many walks  - they are about as big as a medium-sized dog and they look nasty as all hell close up - IMO, there is nothing "cute" or attractive about these animals. Quite frankly, they are down right scary looking! So, I was quite relieved to see her back on Wednesday and Thursday night to see us ...

As you can see, the long-haired gray kitty also showed up for dinner. We think that this one may be a male, but we are not certain. It is also our belief that the orange is already spay as she has a clipped tip off of her left ear - a sign of a 'catch and release' cat.

Since I did not have my camera with me the day I saw the red fox standing directly across the road from me, this is the closest pic I could find of what it looked like - only its' teeth were much nastier looking than this. One of my neighbors told me that the guy aside of him lets his small dog get off of his property a lot and made the comment, "That guy will find out just how beautiful that fox is when it gets a hold of his dog and kills it." I very much agree - these things are nothing to fool with. 😬

On Wednesday night, I made barbecue pork chops with garlic butter egg noodles for dinner. First I cooked them in the air fryer, added the barbecue sauce, then let it sit in the refrigerator for four hours before heating up and serving ...

And last night, it was buffalo chicken strips and waffle fries also made in the air fryer ... 😃

This was today's lunch - I used the leftover grilled chicken to make chicken Parmesan sandwiches. 
Speaking of food, tomorrow night I am cooking a pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn dinner for my friends Deb and Dave. They have been asking me to make them something out of the new air fryer for some time now. I hope that they like it - Besides, Deb is bringing the wine! As for today, I am spending the entire day cleaning the house and doing laundry. Have a great weekend, friends! 😊 


  1. Trixie is very cute and trusting, exposing her belly. Both kitties look like sweethearts. I've only seen a fox once driving on my way to Red's house. The fox I saw looked sick so I was glad I was not walking by. All that food looks amazing. Enjoy your dinner with your friends. I'm sure they will love what you cook.

  2. I went through the same thing as you this past week. We have a few stray cats that we feed, but one in particular hangs out all the time. When I didn't see him for two days my heart dropped. Then last night I looked out the window and there he was. So relieved. I put a picture of him on my blog. Your pork chops look so yummy. Your food makes my mouth water.

  3. Trixie is beautiful and the gray is handsome. They look healthy for stray cats and a big part of that is because of you and your hubby's kindness. This is why cats are so lucky when they find love these precious fur babies.
    The food looks so!!! DEb and Dave are in for a treat!

    Big Hugsxxx

  4. cute cats....and delicious foods...yummy.
    have a great day

  5. Love those flowers at the start of your post.
    Food looks great, I love pork chops :)

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  6. The cats are so cute! You are a good cook Kim! You are always making me hungry! LOL! Love the flowers! Big Hugs!
