Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday montage

Good day my friends, I hope all is well! It will most probably be another busy one for me this week. Today I am scheduled for a second job interview with the company that held the job fair last Tuesday afternoon which I attended. We shall see what happens - keeping fingers crossed and praying that it goes well. 🙏

I am planning on doing some house cleaning upstairs sometime this week and doing all of my baking and preparing for our Beltane ritual celebration as well. 

Had lunch with my friend Deb at P.J.'s on Friday ... 💜
Delicious grilled chicken salad ... 👍
Deb's daughter Rayann posing with her mom ... 👪

I found this cool old video of "Mr. Jimmy" before he joined the Led Zeppelin tribute band Led Zepagain. The fascinating thing about this performance is not the lead singer, but Mr. Jimmy's show. The attention he pays to each and every detail (including Page's blue suede shoes), every single nuance with how Page dances on stage, etc. is simply astounding! This particular version of the song Kashmir was taken directly from Jimmy Page's stage performance with Led Zeppelin at the Knebworth Celebration Day concert in August of 1979.

This is the real Jimmy Page...

This is Mr. Jimmy Sakurai's show ... I really LOVE THIS VIDEO! 💗💓💙💚💛💜


  1. I wish you the best of luck on your job interview. I'm sure it will go well for you. That chicken salad does look delicious. I haven't had any in awhile now. Seeing yours, I know it is time to make some.

  2. Kim, all the best with your job interview! I will be thinking of you!!! The chicken salad looks so good! So glad you had a great time with your friends! Big Hugs!

  3. Good luck with your job interview.
    Love the look of the chicken salad.

    All the best Jan
