Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday This and That

Greetings all! I spent yesterday morning picking up some groceries and applying (as I do every single day) for jobs via online (it seems to be "the way of the new world" now - unfortunately 😒) and attending job fairs wherever and whenever I can find them. I am used to doing things 'in person' for so many years and truthfully speaking, I am not very comfortable with the way in which we as a society have been relying completely on computers and technology as a whole - however, that topic is for another post for another day 😔. Truth is, in this day and age we all have absolutely no choice - whether we personally like it or not! So be it. As my dad ALWAYS used to say ...

I also had to do my monthly hair coloring as my washout temporary color was beginning to fade and show all of my gray hair in my roots. Messy as it is, I always prefer to color it myself because I have eczema and cannot use the regular permanent hair products - and I do not completely trust a beautician to do it - it is just a concern that I have about it.  

It was so cold and windy all day here yesterday so I decided to just stay in the house and cook some dinners for my mom to take over to her house today. When I was a kid, she used to make some quick meals for us. One of the things she made which we both still enjoy is called Macaroni with Egg dinner. She asked me if I would make some for her so I did. It is simply cooked elbow macaroni with butter and scrambled eggs mixed into it. It is actually pretty good ...
Before adding in the cooked scrambled eggs.
Done - just add salt and pepper to taste. 😊

She also asked me to make another "quick meal" - Macaroni, tomato sauce, and browned crumbled up hamburger ...

And I am also taking over a couple slices of the last batch of cakes I baked the other day called a Confetti Pan Cake with vanilla frosting for her for dessert.

Speaking of cakes, I saw this one at the grocery store and thought it would be cool to try for our family Fourth of July cookout this year ...
Well, that is about all for now. Have a good one my friends.


  1. Good or bad, it's a tech world. Your dinners are perfect comfort food for these chilly days. Your cake turned out very pretty. Oh, cool! Blue Velvet Cake! Blue is my favorite color. enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, CJ - and you are very right ... it is a "tech world" none-the-less. :P

      I could not resist the Blue Velvet Cake recipe. It should be interesting at any rate. lol

      You have a great day as well!

  2. I've always done my own hair coloring. Like you I don't trust them. Learned my lesson many years ago when I had a frosting. After she had given me a tremendous headache by pulling all the hair through those tiny holes, she announced she had never done this before. Not going to get into the whole story here, but suffice it to say that my hair was every color in the book--orange, brown, yellow, white, gold dark red--and broke off up to my ears. Had to wear a wig for a year.

    1. Omg! That is terrible! I am so sorry to hear that you had to deal with that type of situation. My mom has always gone to a hairdresser all of her life and still does - frostings and all. I refuse to!

      Stay warm and enjoy your day. Mary! ;)

  3. It certainly is a tech world these days, not sure if that's a good or bad thing but it's what it is.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  4. You know, the job I got a year ago, was posted on line, but I went into the store. I didn't want to apply on line. I am so happy I went in, because I don't think I would have got it other wise! Sending you all the best with your job search Kim! I know it's hard!! You are such a good cook! Big Hugs!

  5. Blue velvet? I wonder if we have that?
