Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday This and That ...

Greetings friends! Well, today is the beginning of a rather nerve-racking new beginning for me. It is Tuesday morning and I start my new job at 7:30 am until 2:30 pm for this week only. The schedule will be insane as for the next four days I am scheduled for what they call "orientation" at one facility then have to travel to another for the rest of my work day. Then, next week I officially start the permanent second shift position. This will definitely be a huge adjustment for me on two levels - I never worked a second shift job before in my entire life (only ever worked first shift for 30-some years) and I will be expected to work A LOT of hours (up to 80 a week!) plus mandatory Saturdays (not liking that one bit, but what can I do, eh? - I need a job so there is little choice regarding it). Not to mention I am so nervous that I can not even describe it. I barely got any sleep last night as my mind just would not shut down long enough to relax at all. I am not sure at this point how well it will work (I pray it does) nor how long I can sustain the kind of "all work and no time for anything else" atmosphere they are demanding, but I have to at least try my best to make it all work out in the end somehow. Anyway, the one good thing as far as I am concerned is that because it is a sanitary and controlled environment I will not have to (nor am I allowed to) wear any make-up or perfume - jewelry should be kept to a minimum as well. We must wear jeans, shirts with sleeves, and socks which go up over the ankle. All of these regulations are put in place - understandably so - to avoid any type of contamination as we will be handling surgical supplies and equipment. 😡 πŸ”¬

Moving forward on a more positive note, here are a few of the items that I found while my sister and my friend Deb and I were out and about this past weekend. Some were clearance and/or sale items from various stores and gift shops.

A Jim Shore Bunny Spring Basket and a little egg-shaped cat ...

I couldn't resist this one - a Jim Shore Mermaid ... 🐚

At Green Dragon last Friday I bought this cute wooden bread basket ...

A five-taper candle holder and decorative ring ...
A beautiful framed water color mermaid ...
A few new books at Barnes & Noble and Celtic Myth & Moonlight ...
I found this cute mermaid cap and cup at our CVS Store across the street ...

And finally one last thing, due to my hectic schedule, I doubt I will have much (if any) time to write or publish any posts as normal. If I do, most likely they will be quick posts at best. I will also try my best to keep up, comment, and drop by your blogs as time allows - my sincere apologies in advance to all.

Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Birthday Celebration!

Yesterday, my sister Aurora and I celebrated her up-coming birthday a couple of weeks early due to my uncertainty regarding my hours with my new job. For her birthday cake, I made a Pink Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and chocolate sprinkles on top. πŸŽ‚

We began our day shopping around at a couple of our favorite places - Barnes & Noble, Celtic Myth & Moonlight, a really cool store called the Flower & Home Marketplace, and Shady Maple Gift Shop ...

A horse and buggy traveling through the Shady Maple parking lot ...
The weather was pretty nice for most of the day although a tad windy.
Our car load of shopping bags - πŸ˜„

Afterward, we rounded off our afternoon with a little dinner at my house, birthday cake, and opening up her birthday gifts ...
Our snacky foods.

We had a fabulous time and wonderful day together! Happy Sunday everyone!!!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Saturday song

Happy Saturday! Yesterday, I had very nice time with my friend Deb for a Girls Lunch and Dinner Day. We spent most of the day at the Green Dragon flea market where we ate lunch at a cute little cafe called "The Corner Cafe" - it was a gorgeous day out!

Then dinner at my place. I cooked us up some grilled chicken sandwiches and we washed it down with some sweet wine with stone wheat crackers, Merlot wine jelly, and a sharp cheddar cheese dip. 🍞

Before we left for the day, I took some pics of Dave and Deb's sweetie of a kitty, Jack ... 😻


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Throwback Thursday and such ...

Wow, talk about coincidence, I just found out from my mom yesterday that a close friend that I grew up with happens to work for the same company that I am going to be working for. Her name is Karin and she used to live right aside of me when we were kids. She is also the same friend who I used to twirl with in band, drum and twirling corp, and won trophies with in twirling competitions when we were a duo. Anyway, the chances of running into her are pretty slim since a) she works first shift and I will be working second, and b) I will be working at a different building/facility than she does - but still, a bit of a coincidence. LOL! Here are a few old Throwback Thursday pics I thought I would share with you here ...

Band Day - 1983

First Place finish at Talent Olympics Hotel Hershey - 1982.

Warming up just before a competition in Novice Duo/Trio Division at Schuylkill Valley High School - 1982.

"Stars and Stripes forever" (St. Petersburg, Florida - 1983) ...

Taken at a fellow twirler friend's birthday sleepover party - 1981.

A memorable photo taken of Karin and I posing with our long-time twirling instructor Jill Rozum at The Boutiques 25th Anniversary Picnic in Mohnton, PA - 1994 ...
My newly baked cupcakes for the family gathering - Blue Velvet and vanilla flavored ... 🍰

Butterscotch had his distemper booster yesterday and got cleared for worms finally. His last dose of meds for ringworm's was on May 16th ... 🐱


"TO DO" Checklist
Butterscotch vet appointment ✔
Bake cupcakes ✔
Color hair ✔
Put away winter clothing ✔
Hang up summer clothing ✔
Get hair cut ✔
Bake Aurora's birthday cake ✔
Clean house (πŸ“Œ - today)

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!!