Thursday, May 23, 2019

Throwback Thursday and such ...

Wow, talk about coincidence, I just found out from my mom yesterday that a close friend that I grew up with happens to work for the same company that I am going to be working for. Her name is Karin and she used to live right aside of me when we were kids. She is also the same friend who I used to twirl with in band, drum and twirling corp, and won trophies with in twirling competitions when we were a duo. Anyway, the chances of running into her are pretty slim since a) she works first shift and I will be working second, and b) I will be working at a different building/facility than she does - but still, a bit of a coincidence. LOL! Here are a few old Throwback Thursday pics I thought I would share with you here ...

Band Day - 1983

First Place finish at Talent Olympics Hotel Hershey - 1982.

Warming up just before a competition in Novice Duo/Trio Division at Schuylkill Valley High School - 1982.

"Stars and Stripes forever" (St. Petersburg, Florida - 1983) ...

Taken at a fellow twirler friend's birthday sleepover party - 1981.

A memorable photo taken of Karin and I posing with our long-time twirling instructor Jill Rozum at The Boutiques 25th Anniversary Picnic in Mohnton, PA - 1994 ...
My newly baked cupcakes for the family gathering - Blue Velvet and vanilla flavored ... 🍰

Butterscotch had his distemper booster yesterday and got cleared for worms finally. His last dose of meds for ringworm's was on May 16th ... 🐱


"TO DO" Checklist
Butterscotch vet appointment ✔
Bake cupcakes ✔
Color hair ✔
Put away winter clothing ✔
Hang up summer clothing ✔
Get hair cut ✔
Bake Aurora's birthday cake ✔
Clean house (πŸ“Œ - today)

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!!


  1. Oh, how wonderful to find a childhood friend. I do hope you and she run into each other. I've found a few, but am still looking. Your cupcakes look so yummy. They are perfect for the holiday. I'd be munching on them already.

  2. Love your twirling costumes. You guys were so cute and so young! Babies! =^,.^= Cupcakes look good and you reminded me to put out a new garden flag for Memorial Day. Have a great day!

  3. That is so cool, you and your friend work at the same place! You never know, you might see each other? I love all the photos! They are great! The cupcakes look so good! Hugs to Butterscotch! Big Hugs Kim!
