Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

Yesterday afternoon I baked some Confetti cake cupcakes for an after dinner Mother's Day dessert. I decided to use up the remaining candy roses and flowers along with the leftover cream cheese frosting from Beltane to decorate them ...  💗
The pink iced ones have chocolate ice cream flavored Jelly Belly beans on top.

And of course, the Mommy's Day gift bags with their special goodies inside ...

We are taking the mom's out to The Hitching Post for dinner in the early evening. Have a good day everyone!


  1. So yummy. Your cupcakes look beautiful. Have a wonderful time today.

  2. The cupcakes look so pretty. I'm sure the moms will love dinner out, their goodie bags, and spending time with you.

  3. Have a good mother's day

    1. Thank you - and Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Hope you are having a ball in NC!

  4. The cupcakes look good :)
    Love the goodie bags too, pretty colours.

    All the best Jan
