Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happy Sunday and Blessed Summer Solstice!

Greetings all! Hope you are all doing well. I thought I would post a few pics from yesterday's lunch at Flanagan's Pub. Chef Nick Adams (pictured below) politely asked me to bake he and the Flanny's gang a cake for Fourth of July as they all so enjoyed the last cakes that I made for them this past Memorial Day. I decided to bake them 40 cupcakes (equal to two cake boxes) of red velvet and confetti cake since they are much easier and less messy to eat ...

Chef Nick loved them! LOL!
Posing for a quick pic with Nick.

A delicious late lunch of chicken cordon bleu, french fries, mashed potatoes, and an appetizer of pub pizza prepared by Nick ... YUMMY!!

With my friend Ashley who was on tending bar yesterday.

Blessed Summer Solstice my friends and Have a great day!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday odds and ends

Greetings, friends - I hope all is well with everyone. Not much new happening here. With Leo's F.U.S. issue, I am very diligent to check his bathroom habits once a week (usually on a Wednesdy or a Thursday) to make sure that he is urinating on a regular basis. The litter box in the catio is the only box I use the clumpy litter in because it is the only way that I can monitor whether he is going or not. He always lets me know when he is finished and ready to comeback into the rest of the house ... lol  🐱

Merlin is waiting to get his catio back from Leo - Leo says, "Dude, you can have it!"

In the meantime, I picked up my new prescription glasses at my eye doctor's office and also had to order a pair of RX safety glasses for work. My regular everyday glasses have a pretty blue frame and the safety glasses are purple ...

 Have a good Thursday all!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday this and that

Greetings all! Well since I will be forced to work mandatory overtime beginning this Saturday and every Saturday for the next few months at the very least, my friend Deb and I had a last "hurrah" this past weekend where we attended the 25th Annual Art on the Avenue in West Reading, PA. It is a huge event where local artists and businesses can advertise, sell, and showcase their talent. From handmade crafts, to homemade cultural foods and desserts, to locally brewed mead and wine ...

Deb's daughter and grandson J.J. joined us as well. We all had a delicious lunch at Chatty Monks Pub and Restaurant ...

Deb's twin sister Barbara dropped by to see us during lunch ...
Deb and I split a French Dip sandwich with homemade chips ...

Later on our way home, we had dinner at Flanny's. The weather was so very nice that we decided to sit out on the outside deck to eat ...
Deb's hubby Dave joined us as well for some Pub Pizza. 🍕🍕🍕

Hope all is well with everyone. Have a good day, friends!

Monday, June 10, 2019

New Hope trip ...

Greetings friends. This week has been very stressful and overwhelming since starting my new job. I will not say too much more about it as of yet. All I can say is it is extremely difficult! I have only been working there a week and they have made me take two tests - the one I passed and the other I have managed to fail FOUR times! I must keep on talking it until I pass it as you can not even get so much as one wrong answer on it! Truthfully, I have concerns as to whether I can even make the grade at this particularly position, but I am trying my hardest. 😔

Anyway, I have been so stressed out this past week that I just sat down and cried a couple of times. That being said, I decided I needed to get away from it all for a day so I took a trip to my favorite spot yesterday - New Hope, PA. 

When we arrived there, we had lunch at Fran's Pub before walking the strip and shopping around ... 🍕

Then off the Gypsy Heaven where I picked up a few ritual items to hopefully help me get through the difficult time I am going through currently. I bought a witch box of goodies for success and some other useful candles and such ...
A couple of very interesting books at Mystickal Tymes ...

And of course, I could not forget to buy an assorted box of homemade macaroons at the food outlet ...

On the way out, I came across a wonderful place that sold mostly statues - lots and lots of statues of anything and everything you could possibly imagine ...
Merlin and Leo checking out the two new garden statues I bought -  a small lop bunny and a playing kitten ...

Guess that about wraps it all up for now. Have a good day everyone.