Monday, June 10, 2019

New Hope trip ...

Greetings friends. This week has been very stressful and overwhelming since starting my new job. I will not say too much more about it as of yet. All I can say is it is extremely difficult! I have only been working there a week and they have made me take two tests - the one I passed and the other I have managed to fail FOUR times! I must keep on talking it until I pass it as you can not even get so much as one wrong answer on it! Truthfully, I have concerns as to whether I can even make the grade at this particularly position, but I am trying my hardest. 😔

Anyway, I have been so stressed out this past week that I just sat down and cried a couple of times. That being said, I decided I needed to get away from it all for a day so I took a trip to my favorite spot yesterday - New Hope, PA. 

When we arrived there, we had lunch at Fran's Pub before walking the strip and shopping around ... 🍕

Then off the Gypsy Heaven where I picked up a few ritual items to hopefully help me get through the difficult time I am going through currently. I bought a witch box of goodies for success and some other useful candles and such ...
A couple of very interesting books at Mystickal Tymes ...

And of course, I could not forget to buy an assorted box of homemade macaroons at the food outlet ...

On the way out, I came across a wonderful place that sold mostly statues - lots and lots of statues of anything and everything you could possibly imagine ...
Merlin and Leo checking out the two new garden statues I bought -  a small lop bunny and a playing kitten ...

Guess that about wraps it all up for now. Have a good day everyone. 


  1. New beginnings can be so stressful. Deep breaths. You got this! Shopping. You had me at macaroons. The garden statues are delightful. So many choices. I love the gargoyles and the cat in the last photo. Your bunny and kitty statues are cute as are Merlin and Leo. Have a good week.

  2. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time of it at work, and you did the best thing by taking time this weekend to do things to de-stress. Once again you purchased some awesome goodies. I love scented candles. Let me know how the Celtic book is.

  3. Changes, new beginnings are so often stressful … sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

    Think it was such a good idea to take time out over the weekend, it looks as if you had such a good time, and I like your purchases.

    Here's to a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  4. You've got this Kim! I am so sorry for everything you are going through at your job! Breathe and take it easy! Sending you Big Hugs! I love everything you bought! Those statues are amazing and I love all your other goodies! Those macaroons look so good! Please take care of you!
