Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blogger issues ...

Greetings friends. Well, once again technology has confused me to no end. I was informed by a couple of my blogger friends here that they are having trouble leaving comments to my posts and it is my belief that I have definitely been hacked into by scammers! I do not know what to do to fix this issue and since I do not have the money to spend to take my laptop to PC Ninja to get checked, I have added a Norton Malware extension feature to my Google Chrome browser. It is most probably too late to fix the problem anyhow at this point if the damage has been done already, but I do not know what else to do. My sincere apologies to everyone. :( 

In the meantime, if anyone would like to leave a comment, I also have a Facebook site called Wiccan Life for those who have Facebook and all you need to do is post a comment there if you like. The link for it is: https://www.facebook.com/Wiccan-Life-123300665208799/

Moving forward, I have been busy as usual working and trying to play catch up at home so I have little time for blogging and social network much anymore, I am just taking one day at a time and see where I end up. Until next time all, take care!


  1. I don't do Facebook, but I don't usually have any problem commenting on your blog …

    Take care and look forward to your next blog post when you have time.

    All the best Jan

    1. COPE TECHS is an organization of Technology experts with the aim to help individuals with solving Technology difficulties. We offer the best hacking services as well as our aim is not for Theft purpose but to help individuals overcoming Technology issues with our skills.

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      Put this on your mind, "AS LONG AS IT'S TECHNOLOGY, IT CAN BE HACKED" We belong to the HACKERS forum HackerOne and we have the Top hackers in the forum always ready to take the risk and do a job. If you need hacking Services, contact-: COPETECHS@GMAIL.COM.................We look forward to hacking for you.

  2. Yeah, looks like your comments page is hijacking readers and sending them to a different page that isn’t yours. My suggestion would be to change your blogger password. Run a virus scan just to check your computer doesn’t have a virus. Good luck

  3. You need to contact blogger support. I have set my blog to members-only mode to avoid this. The trick is done by leaving a comment with a virus html/xml code and when you display the comment the code is executed and the blog is highjacked...

  4. No apologies needed Kim! Do what you can! Love you my friend! Big Hugs!

  5. My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr Great can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Great . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail:

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