Sunday, July 07, 2019

It's Sunday!

Happy Sunday! Yesterday was our belated family Fourth of July cookout. We had delicious seasoned cheeseburgers and tasty hot dogs on the grill and a variety of other yummy food! I made a vanilla cake and confetti cupcakes for dessert.

As my MIL's dog Tulip laps down plenty of water, it felt like the dog days of summer ...
... and for cats as well.

My mom's dog Brandi grabbing some shade underneath the picnic table.
Some leftovers including the dessert.

The weather was hot and bit humid with a nice light breeze going every so often. It rained for a short time later on in the day, but otherwise, a pretty nice day out!

Enjoy your day all!


  1. Looks like a yummy celebration with family. We were hot and humid, too. Strong thunderstorms rolled in which were supposed to bring in a cold front.I don't mind hot and humid. Hot an humid doesn't need to be shoveled. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun...and a lot of good food. Your cake and cupcakes look so pretty. I bet they tasted good as well.

  3. I am finally able to least this time :)
    Love your day with the family and good food! A great way to celebrate the 4th of July!!!

    Big Hugs My Friend xoxoxoxox

  4. Looks a great day, loved seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. A great day, spent with your family! Yummy food! Big Hugs!
