Thursday, October 10, 2019

Throwback Thursday: To tree or not to tree - that is the question ...

Greetings all! Well, this weekend I was contemplating as to whether or not to put up my Samhain/Halloween tree this year since our kitty Ginger is still a kitten and ... well, you know where I am going with this, right? But another part of me wants to because our other cats enjoy laying underneath it so much and I am thinking I might regret not doing it for them. After all, our beloved Midnight loved it so and we lost him the very last year we decided not to put the tree up - little did I know or I would have let him enjoy it one last time. 😿


For my beloved Midnight ... (originally posted on September 29, 2017) 

Midnight, Samhain 2015

This Samhain will mark the first major holiday without my sweet Midnight since I lost him earlier this year. He (along with the rest of my fur babies) absolutely loved lying underneath the Samhain (and Yule tree because I use the same tree for both except for the ornaments) every year. Last year, I had decided not put up the tree mainly because I was just too depressed at the time and was going through a lot. Little did I know that it would have been Midnight's very last chance to enjoy the tree he loved so very much.

Looking back now, I sincerely regret it and now that Kiki is not well I refuse to make the same mistake twice! Quite honestly, we never truly know how long we will be blessed with our loved ones be they human or fur baby. 

I would also like to believe that Midnight's spirit is still somehow enjoying his tree and, perhaps, he will even decide to lie underneath it from time to time ...

Since putting up the tree tonight, the rest of the cats are already enjoying it as you can see ...




Tabby and Kiki

And so it goes without saying that this year, most especially, the Samhain and Yule tree is dedicated to my beloved Midnight.

So that being said, perhaps I just might? I will make up my mind by Friday I suppose. I love looking at it and then I simply switch up the decorations to my Yule tree every year. 


  1. When I put up the Christmas tree when Ink was a kitten, we hung special ornaments just for him to play with. Plastic, wooden, and small bells to paw or bat. Most of the time, he loved to hang out under the tree like your fur babies. I think Ginger will follow the others examples if he sees them hanging out under the tree.

  2. I love this post and your photographs are so lovely to see.

    All the best Jan

  3. Midnight is always there with you! A very moving post Kim! Love the photos! Big Hugs!
