Sunday, November 03, 2019

Masquerade Ball ~ 2019

Greetings friends and Blessed Sunday to you! Last night, we had a great time at the Masquerade Ball held by Reading Pagan Alliance (formally Reading Witches & Pagans). Here are a few pics from the evening ...
Me and Brett. Deb, her twin sister Barb, and I were dressed up as flappers and Brett went as a chimney sweep ...

I loved this guy's mask! ...

The three of us posing pretty just before dinner was served ...

Lots of dancing and entertainment including a magician and a D.J.!

Deb and I goofing around slow dancing to the song, "Tennessee Whiskey" ... LOL! 😄
Barb, Deb 'n' me on the dance floor.

I also took some pics of Ms. Ginger in her new pumpkin tutu (just for for a cute little pick, then I took it ff of her) before we left for the ball last night ...

Well, that about wraps it up for this year! Have a wonderful day all!


  1. Looks like a fun time was had at the masquerade ball. And Ink would not have stood for any kind of garment no matter how cute it made him look. Have a great week!

  2. Looks like some great fun. You have so many activities where you live.

  3. Loved seeing your photographs.
    It looks a fun time for you all.

    All the best Jan
