Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday montage

Monday already and I have some more odds and ends to share with all of you. First, some pics from yesterday ...
The inside of The Peanut Bar was decorated for the holiday season.
Every table has a bowl of unshelled peanuts for the patrons to enjoy and the idea is to throw the shells onto the floor after eating them.

These are some pics from the inside lobby of The Double Tree Hilton where there is cool artwork all along the walls.
The Reading Railroad tracks - a symbol of downtown Reading, PA for decades.

And a couple more pics from Saturday night's show ...
Program autographed by the skaters!

About a month or so ago, my friend Deb bought a cheap wooden ladder which she was planning on decorating and adorning her little miniatures on and such, but never got around to finishing it. So, she gave it to me and in turn, I surprised her by taking it home and decorating it for her. I gave it to her on Saturday before we left for the Stars on Ice show.  😊
Have a great day everyone!


  1. I like the decorations on the ceiling. I don’t think I would like to be the person that had to sweep up peanut shells from the floor. The ladder you decorated is so cute. You are very clever.

  2. That restaurant looks so cute! The show looks like so much fun! I love skating! Well done on the ladder! Love! Big Hugs!

  3. Nice Monday Montage :)

    All the best Jan
