Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Thursday This 'n' That ...

Happy Thursday everyone! I hope your holiday however you choose to spend it was good! Yesterday, we celebrated with family with the usual dinner, gifts, and such. I got a set of mermaid coasters, a pair of mermaid socks, and a special card from the "kits"... - (Leo, Tabby, Merlin, Butters, & Ginger)

Then picked up my mom and headed over to my MIL's house to heat up our home-style ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans with bacon, corn, and rolls ...
And, of course, many home-baked desserts including vanilla flan cake, pumpkin chocolate chip cake, chocolate swirl and pumpkin cheesecakes. 🙏

We exchanged our gifts after dinner ...
The critters enjoyed the day as well ...
Me 'n' my mom.

After we arrived home, our fur babies got to open up their gifts and goodies from Santa Paws ...

They ate their goody treats, while Sir Leo looks on from underneath the Yule tree ...


  1. Merry Yule! Looks like a fun day was had by all.

  2. Looks a great day, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. What a great day Kim!!! Fun pictures!!!
