Friday, January 03, 2020

Friday this and that

Greetings, friends. I hope everyone had a good New Year's. We spent New Year's day having dinner with family. Well, Thursday I had to go back to work so it is now officially the end of my holiday mandatory shut down. I decided to stay home on New Year' Eve and use the time to clean up the house and take down the Yule tree. To be completely honest, New Year's Eve has never been my forte - in fact, it always been very depressing to me anyhow. I mean, let's face it, the song "Alud Lang Syne" is not exactly the most "uplifting" tune in the world or anything. 😕
Moving on, it appears as though we did not get Ginger spay in time and she has now gone into heat. She is scheduled for spay next Tuesday so we called up the vet and he said he will still spay her for us. We are having some financial issues because with my job's two week mandatory shut down over the holidays my paychecks are horrible! I was told that we were supposed to get paid for the week of Christmas but I am short A LOT of money from that paycheck and have to speak to the HR person as to why? Hopefully, we will have enough money to get Ginger spay. We were also told that sometime this summer there will be yet another mandatory shut down that we will NOT get paid for - if this keeps up, I will have no choice but to look for another job part-time somewhere if possible. Having to work a second shift job; however, limits my options to work any part-time job as I would have to work in the morning hours and then when would I have time to sleep?

Keeping fingers crossed and praying it all works out. Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. I don't think employees should have to suffer because of a shut down. Just not fair.

  2. Hoping things look up for you as the year gets rolling. If misery loves company, the Eldest was laid off from her job at the hospital. She's been collecting unemployment, but hasn't been able to find anything where she would be able to pay her rent. I'll keep you in my thoughts along with the Eldest.

    1. Thank you CJ and I am sorry to hear about your eldest situation - it is not the same world it used to be and it gets harder with each generation I think. Wishing her all the best!

  3. Sorry to read about the troubles with your job, it just doesn't seem right! I hope things improve for you.

    All the best Jan
