Saturday, February 15, 2020

Saturday odds and ends

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you enjoyed the Valentine's Day holiday. Yesterday I worked - although eighty percent of my co-workers chose to take a vacation day - and my trainer friend, Jesenia, was kind enough to offer me a special gift of a big chocolate-covered strawberry, gave me hug and wished me a Happy Valentine's Day ...
And in addition, I also received a couple of special little Valentine's Day cards from both Brett and my fur babies ...
After I got home from work, I treated myself to a couple of  Jesenia's hand-made cupcakes and a slice of her baked red velvet cheesecake with cool whip ...
And washed it all down with a glass of limited edition Bailey's Irish Cream's Chocolate Cherry liquor on ice ... YUMMY GOOD!

Speaking of Valentine's Day, here's wishing all a very Happy Lupercalia (for those who celebrate it). For those who do not know what this festival is and/or wish to learn more about it, I have included a link here to one of my past posts regarding the origins of the contemporary holiday of Valentine's Day here.

And last but not least, I did something this week which I have honestly not done in thirty years - I watched the Oscars. The only reason I decided to do this is because the week before, I watched Joaquin Phoenix win the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his role in the movie "Joker" and he also was up for the same honor in regards to an Oscar this year. And, not surprisingly, he won! The movie was also nominated for Best Picture as well, but lost to "Parasite." Quite frankly, I am not surprised about that outcome either as too much controversy scares the Academy - as was also the case when the Oliver Stone film, "JFK" was nominated for Best Picture back in 1991 and lost. At any rate, having seen his performance, Phoenix's award was well deserved! BTW, in addition to the Golden Globes and Oscars, he won the People's Choice Award,  Screen Actor's Guild Award, and BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role all for his performance in the movie Joker. 😁

Have a great weekend, friends!! 
Ginger (top) and Merlin (bottom)


  1. You got some lovely Valentines treats. Those chocolate strawberries are too die for. Have a great weekend!

  2. Belated Happy Valentine Wishes

    All the best Jan
