Friday, March 20, 2020

Blessed Spring (and some other stuff) ...

Happy Spring everyone and Blessed Ostara! I was orginally scheduled to work another mandatory Saturday this weekend, but it was thankfully cancelled and it looks like my original plans to spend time with my sister Aurora Skye and celebrate the Spring Equinox with her this weekend is back on! 

I also wanted to share a couple of more pics from Chef Jesenia's menu last week ...

Baby Back Ribs and rice.

Oreo Cookie muffins! These are so GOOD! The chocolate taste is heavenly!

After I got home from work last night, I baked some Spring cupcakes for our Ostara ritual celebration for Saturday. One batch is strawberry flavored and the other is confetti cake mix ...

I will post again sometime this weekend after our Ostara celebration. We have a special day planned and I am very much looking forward to it! Have a great Friday everyone and stay safe!!

1 comment:

  1. The food looks so good and your cupcakes look so pretty and festive. Take care.
