Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday this and that

Greetings friends and here we are, Monday already ... I mean once again - lol! Weekends always go by way too quickly for my liking, but I did however get a lot accomplished at home that I wanted to so at least it was a productive one. Among the projects I was able to cross off my list was finishing up the office downstairs (which used to be my reiki room). It will be used mainly for Brett's job, but I will also be utilizing it for my notary work and for storing my portable reiki bed as well ...

The bad news; however, is now I have to clean up and re-arrange my altar room since I had to go some place with all of the stuff I had stored in the old reiki room - oh well, perhaps that will be next weekends project? ...

Also, before I had put away my baking paraphernalia, I decided to bake my mom one of her favorite treats - lemon cupcakes!

As you all know, I have five beautiful fur babies who I absolutely love photographing every chance I get. So, here are a couple of gratuitous kitty pics I took this weekend ...
Merlin pretending he is not looking for trouble!
Merlin and Tabitha in a rare moment lying peacefully together in front of the living room window.
Leo loves to dive and hide underneath covers - lol
My sweet angel Butterscotch.

Have a great week everyone!!


  1. Those cupcakes look delicious. And I love your kitties. Merlin looks so tiny next to Tabitha. Wish I could get something accomplished. I started out all gung ho but now I just can't bring myself to keep it up.

  2. You have been busy good for you. Glad Brett is able to work from home. Love all the kitty pictures of your sweet fur babies.
