Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday Odds 'n' Ends

Blessed Saturday evening everyone - hope all is well with you! I took a vacation day this past Friday to take my mom to her doctor appointment in order to get her cast off and also run some other errands she needed me to. There has recently been a "stay at home" order in place for many counties in Pennsylvania - including mine. That does not include traveling back and forth to my job since we are considered "essential" and will remain open as the hospitals, doctors, and patients who are in need of our services still depend on us for their medical needs. Remember, not ALL surgeries are elective! I happen to agree with this - I truly do feel as if what my company provides is actually important indeed. And, because of the 8pm curfew we are currently under, my company has provided all of us with a "letter of necessity" in the event that we are pulled over by a police officer driving to and from work as we have second shift that works until 10:30pm and third shift that starts at 10:30pm.

Speaking of work,  I had some left over rosemary chicken sauce from my last order of Chef Jesenia's rosemary chicken dinner. I used the rest of it to add to my grilled chicken sandwiches I made in my air fryer today ...

I added some marinara sauce and provolone cheese to Brett's sandwich and a side of spaghetti as well ...

Moving on, I plan to spend the remainder of the weekend cleaning up the downstairs in order to turn my old reiki room into an office for Brett's job. Here are some before and after pics; however, the office is not quite finished yet although it is good enough to work in for the time being ...


Of course, now I have the time-consuming task of cleaning up and re-arranging my altar room as mostly everything from the reiki room had to be moved somewhere. ...

At any rate, the weather has been nothing but miserable and rainy here all day so may as well get some stuff accomplished at home. Take care all!!

1 comment:

  1. You certainly had a busy Saturday, but you achieved a lot.
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan
