Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Tuesday this and that ...

Greetings friends! I hope all is well with you! Life has been crazy as usual around here lately. Last week, my mom fell and fractured her right wrist again. We do not know as of yet if she will need surgery or not, but since she can not drive for a few weeks, even her cast makes little difference. With Brett working first shift now and me working second, I pray she does not need surgery because I do not know how we could manage it time-wise with all of her pre-surgery appointments she would have to go to and her after care, etc. We will find out this Friday when I run her to her 9am doctor appointment. I took her last Friday at the same time to get her wrist looked at just before I had to start work. What a circus it has been, folks. Never a dull moment, eh?

Moving on, my belated birthday present from Brett came in the mail last week. A couple of weeks ago, I ordered a beautiful mermaid print from the WISH site and had forgotten to get it framed so it sat roll up in my living room. Brett decided to take it and get it framed for me. Very lovely surprise indeed ...

Oh yes, and for those of you who were never introduced to my beloved fur babies, We have five of them ...

This is Lady Tabitha, The Queen. She is a Norwegian Forest cat.

This big old fellow is Sir Leo, The King of the house.

This cute orange tabby guy is Butterscotch, The Prince.

This is the newest member of our family, Ginger, The Little Princess.

And last, but not least, Merlin James, the Joker (Court Jester, if you will). LOL!
"The Bookends" as we call them - Butterscotch and Ginger cuddling up next to each other on the sofa. 

In other news, it would appear that Spring is finally on its' way. Although we have had a lot of rain here the past few months (better rain than snow IMO), the temps are rising and it is getting warmer outside. It would seem as though the weather-predicting groundhog, Phil was actually right this year! LOL! In truth, Groundhog Day falls in the middle of winter, so regardless of whatever Phil "says" it will always be six more weeks of winter for us all. The real question is "Will it feel like six more weeks or not?" This week sees us in the 60's which is warm enough for me to start going for my walks again before I go to work at 2:30pm. YAY!!!!

That is about all for now, have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard to juggle things when you sandwiched between elderly parents and your own family. Hope your mom is doing better. Lovely birthday surprise. Brett done good. Oh, I love seeing all the fur babies. Headbutts and cuddles all around.
