Saturday, April 18, 2020

Saturday night ...

Greetings, friends! Not too much new hapenin' here as of late other than the usual insanity! Hope you are all doing well.

Yesterday, my steampunk outfit arrived in the mail and it seems to fit okay. I also ordered some pretty white boots on to wear with it. I hope THEY fit as I really hate to order shoes online - would rather try them on in person, but ...

This past week, I tried some more new food dinners on Chef Jesenia's menu ...
Lentil soup.
Shepherd's pie.

And for dessert, I decided to try something different - a Keto Chocolate cake ...

Kitties still chillin' as always ...

Today, I went to CVS and printed off my mom's pics she had me take from two weeks ago of her dog, Brandi's 14th birthday ... 
My mother treats it like a real "photo session" -  too funny - LOL!


  1. That outfit suits you and the boots will look really cute with it. I hope they fit. Happy Birthday to Brandi. Your kitties know how to make quarantine work. 💙 Take care.

  2. You look good in that outfit.
    Happy Birthday to Brandi.

    All the best Jan

  3. Hi Kim, Trying to comment! It takes around 10 times, but then I finally can comment! LOL! CJ says it happens to her too! You look adorable in that outfit! I love the boots too! Give hugs to your fur babies! I love your mom's pictures of Brandi! So cute! The food looks so good from your co-worker! Stay safe my friend! Big Hugs!
