Wednesday, May 06, 2020

A Butterscotch update

Just a quick update on our fur baby Butterscotch. As I mentioned in my previous post yesterday, we called our vet Dr. Lila regarding Butterscotch's very strange behavior. My husband took an unexpected half PTO day in order to get him into his appointment at 4:20. I was supposed to return to work but decided to take a PTO day as well and will be going back to work tomorrow instead. I was so worried about him I could not sleep anyway.

So, after a few necessary questions, Dr. Lila took him inside to examine him while we waited in our car. She came back out and told us that at this point she could not find anything on the external exam so she asked us if we could keep him in a separate room from the other cats until we were able to get a urine sample from him using a special cat litter called Kit 4 Cat and a little syringe. She also asked for a fecal if were could get that as well. We were also able to pick up the two flea treatments for our other two cats and a small bottle of Tresaderm for both Butterscotch and Leo to treat an infestation similar to ear mites they developed which they need to take for the next two weeks. 

At present, he is camping out in Merlin's catio for a few days. Perhaps longer if we can not get to the root of why he is growling at the other cats. I vacuumed, cleaned up everything, gave him fresh blankets and a nice bed of his own. And with the cold weather back again here, we have the space heater going for him ...
She also told us that upon examination, she found a cyst on the back of his leg which needs to be surgically removed and he needs a teeth cleaning as well. So we scheduled both to be performed on May 28th and he will receive his shots and have his blood work done the week before. Keeping fingers crossed that we can get to the bottom of this soon!


  1. Poor Butterscotch. Such a worry when they can't tell you what's wrong.

  2. It is a worry, hope things become clearer and can be sorted soon.

    All the best Jan

  3. Poor little Butterscotch! I hope everything gets sorted out soon! Big Hugs!

  4. I hope it works out!

  5. I hope it works out!!!!!
