Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Butterscotch Update ...

Just a quick update on Butterscotch. He had his shots and blood work done yesterday. The vet called today and informed us that his blood work came out normal. Bad news is, he will have to have five teeth removed because his mouth is so bad so he will also have to have his teeth cleaned while he is under anesthesia. And, since he is getting a tumor/cyst removed, they will also be performing a biopsy to check if it is cancerous.

Even worse, since my husband is not working for at least the next three weeks (possibly more, God forbid) and is not eligible for unemployment we are not sure IF we will have the $1,500.00 (yes I said $1,500.00) to go ahead with everything he needs for his surgery next Thursday. Needless to say, after receiving this news last night while at work, I could only cry. 

One thing is for sure, this is how I feel about my fur babies none-the-less! ...


  1. Good news, bad news. Glad all Butterscotch's lab work came back normal. Is his behavioral issues because his mouth/teeth hurt him? Poor baby. Ouch on the vet bill. Maybe the vet will let you make payments a little at a time? I'd ask. All the vet could say is no. Take care.

  2. Thank you for sharing the news...but what a large amount the vets bill is. Would the vet allow you to pay by instalments, it's worth asking.

    All the best Jan
