Monday, June 08, 2020

Monday This and That ...

Greetings everyone. I've been pretty busy around here lately so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like to. We have had Leo back and forth to our vets - both Dr. Lila and Dr. Mike have been working, DILIGENTLY I might add, to help us figure out why Leo is having some type of seizures. The blood tests originally showed him with a very high glucose level and therefore diagnosed him to be diabetic. Dr. Mike immediately called in a prescription for him for insulin and syringes at our pharmacy. He has been put on a strict diet and we had to keep running him to the vet during the week to get his blood sugar checked. Both vets told us that his blood sugar is back to normal and to stop the insulin injections for the time being. We are to keep the insulin the refrigerator for six months in the event that Leo should ever need it again, but Dr. Mike said that Leo seems to have gone into remission and is currently no longer considered "diabetic" at this point.  

That is the good news. However, we are still not sure exactly what had been causing his seizures but we have been keeping an eye on him and for the past couple of days he has not appeared to have had the episodes that we have noticed. Fingers crossed. He will still need to continue his prescription diet for the rest of his life, but that is not a problem at all as he seems to be eating fairly well. And, per our vet's instructions, we also bought a Alpha Trak for cats and dogs so that we can check Leo's blood sugar at home from now on. 

In other news, my Victorian boots for my masquerade costume this year finally arrived in the mail this past week ... Leo decided to join me in the bottom pic ...

Also, we have been getting some bad thunder storms in our area here lately. One in particular this past week managed to knock down one of our trees in our back yard and it came within inches of our neighbor's shed ...
The neighbor's shed is on the right. These two pics were taken after we moved the tree.


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