Monday, August 10, 2020

Tuesday This and That ...

Greetings, friends! Hope all is well with you! As usual, I have been extremely busy as of late. Between working overtime on weekends and sleeping; however, I also attended my husband's cousin's daughter's wedding this last Saturday - one of the few weekends in which I did not have to work. She asked me to be her photographer and I was thrilled to do so! My mom was also invited and the venue for the ceremony and reception was held at my MIL's home. It was outdoors and she has so much land that we had plenty of room to enjoy ourselves. I took hundreds of photos between Brett's digital camera and my own. So, I took them all home, consolidated them all, made a separate file of the cropped pics and added those to the camera card as well and gave it to the Bride and Groom as part of their wedding gift. Here are just a few from that card ...
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lonaberger.

Brett's cousin's hubby trimmed a very special heart- shaped tree which stood aside of my MIL's house so we took a few pics with that as well ...

The Bride & Groom dance ...

The Bride and Groom having some fun with some family members ... (I LOVE this one!)

Here's to Forever 
08.08.2020 ...

The pretty heart-shaped gift card basket ...

One of the many table centerpieces. I saw a photo opportunity and placed the Bride's bouquet of flowers in front of it ...

My MIL and my mom ...

Posing for a quick pic with my mom before the wedding. We were also celebrating her 81st birthday ...

And in other news, I found out yesterday that I was nominated for a Behavioral Excellence Award. These awards are usually given to employees after either a fellow co-worker or a supervisor submits a nomination request for various reasons. The one I was nominated for is in the category of job performance ...

I also received a really cool stylist pen included in my nomination packet ...

Well, that is pretty much it for now. Have a great week all and Brightest Blessings!


  1. Congrats on your award. What an honor that is. Looks like a beautiful wedding. You took some great pictures. She chose well.

  2. It's truly wonderful to see a normal, happy wedding amid all of this pandemic panic. It gives me hope for salvation of humanity. I love the heart-shaped tree - - and I think the cupcakes are a great idea.

    Congratulations on your nomination for the Behavior Excellence Award!

  3. Best wishes to the Happy Couple. Looks like a lovely event. The heart shaped topiary is very cool. Congratulations on your work award, too.

  4. Many congratulations on your award.
    It looks a lovely wedding, great photographs.
    My good wishes to the happy couple.

    All the best Jan
